Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kathryn Loves Her Mommy

Lately, Kathyn has been very obvious in her preference for me over Jared.  This does not sit well with Jared at all.  Tonight she was crying furiously in his arms and the second I took her, she was fine.  I told him it's very common for babies to have preferences at this age and it's generally their mothers.  Don't get me wrong, it does feel good to know I can comfort her when no one else can.  Ha ha!

I took Kate to the doctor today thinking her ear infection might be back.  Due to my chronic ear problems, we don't want to take any chances.  Luckily though, there's not infection.  Dr. Lavoie said her fussiness is probably from teething.  I think he's right.  Today she was a peach. All smiley and happy, but when it came to bed time, she was just crying and crying as she laid in her crib.  I let her cry it out for five minutes, but she never cries and she kept carrying on so I went in and held her.  Jared came in too and tried rocking her, but she didn't want anything to do with it.  He put her in her crib and luckily she wasn't crying anymore and she fell asleep.  I hope this teething comes to an end soon!

On a non-Kathryn related note, there's a possibility of a hurricane next week.  I seriously do not want to deal with this again.  I still have nightmares of Hurricane Irene.  2 1/2 without power was torture and we were the lucky ones!  Most places were without it for a week or more!  The power went out for an hour and a half a few days ago and I was so annoyed.  You don't realize how much you use it until it's not available. I went out and got some water today and stocked up on baby food.  I also got some stuff for our little camping stove.  I'll get some more stuff over the weekend, but hopefully we won't need it.  I really hope this doesn't screw up Kathryn's first Halloween.  We are going to the Monster March on Saturday where kids trick or treat at the shops on Main Street, so even if Halloween is rained out, at least she gets to go trick or treating in her little octopus costume.  Let's just pray Hurricane Sandy stays far away from New England!  Keep your fingers crossed!

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