Monday, March 9, 2015

Potty Time!

Everything has been so easy with Kathryn, except for potty training.  She has been so adverse to it, we were starting to get genuinely concerned.  However, on Friday, Wendy got her to pee in the toilet.  Then today, she peed three times at daycare and when she got home, she peed three more times. She was so excited.  We may be on our way...finally!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

First Sleepover

I cannot reiterate how lucky we are to have certain people in our lives.  Danielle is one of them.  She asked to keep Kathryn over night and when she showed up to get her, she had a whole bucket of goodies to entertain her.  It was very strange not having her home,  but I'm so glad she has a friend like Danielle.