Thursday, October 31, 2013

World Champs!

I know this blog is dedicated to the Honeybaby, but I had to share the exciting events of last night.  The Red Sox won the World Series!  It was an amazing season and quite the redemption story.  Last season they finished dead last in their division and this year they were the best team in baseball.  It made watching nearly every regular season game and staying up during the playoffs till after midnight each night so worth it.  It's always fun to watch the games, but to see it go all the way to the end was incredible.  It was the first time they won the WS at home at Fenway since 1918.  It was truly an amazing ride.  Now...what will I do with myself until April when baseball starts again?

Happy Halloween!

Today is Halloween.  We had such a great time trick-or-treating.  Jared took the night off and I'm so glad he did.  Kathryn had a blast.  We went to many more houses than expected because she was enjoying herself so much and I didn't want to make her stop.  She was literally running down the street and smiling the whole time.  In my nearly two years with her, tonight is one of my most favorite memories.  It was so neat to see her excitement.  I loved how she wasn't shy either.  She came right up to the door with me and even said trick-or-treat, or "tick teet" in her voice.  She also said, thank you and hi and bye.  She looked so cute in her pumpkin outfit.  We had a hard time picking her costume this year.  I wasn't even sure about the pumpkin, but once it was all together, it was perfect.  She got so many oohs and ahhs. She really did look adorable.  I've always loved Halloween, but now I love it even more.  I can't wait till next year!

She didn't want to stop playing in her room.  It was quite the ordeal.

This cracks me up.  She was so mad I closed her bedroom door.

Getting ready to go!

First stop: Pegi's!  She gave Kathryn a cute little lady bug book!

Hugging Pegi's tree.

Playing with the kitty in the neighbor's yard.

We walked by the park and she had to go play for a few minutes!

Checking out her loot!

Her first piece of Halloween candy ever!  A Tootsie Pop!

Our porch

I wish she'd stop drinking the tub water!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekends are the best!

We had a nice, relaxing weekend.  We didn't do much and that's how we like it.
Lazy Sunday outfit.  Messy hair.  Oversized shirt and mismatched pants while wearing mom and dad's socks. Complete awesomeness. 

Upside down fun with dad. 

Me and my girl. 

She loves her hats.

Burying Dad in blocks. 

Cuddling with Dad.

Her waist just couldn't hold up these pants.  I wish I had that problem. 

Loving on Wickett.

I wish everyday was a weekend.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Buried Alive!

I think I have a hoarder on my hands.  Every night before bed she walks around collecting things to put in her crib.  She ends up with so much stuff, there's hardly any room left for her.  I don't get it,  but she loves it.

Party time!

On Sunday, Kathryn went to her friend Kate's birthday.  She went last year too.  She was much more interested this year though.  She had a great time playing!


Kathryn sported her very first solo Ponytail today.  I thought I'd try it and it turned out pretty cute.  It's amazing how much older she looked with it in her hair.  My baby's growing up.  I couldn't get a great picture, so these will have to do.
First thing this morning. 

After a long day of playing.  It held up pretty well.

Kathryn has been talking so much lately.  When I picked her up from daycare,  she greeted me with, "I got a mama!" Then when we got home, she said,
"Dad at work" and proceeded to call for him.  I love watching her grow up. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013


See this guy?
Yeah.  He looks innocent enough, but the product he's advertising has become an addiction for our daughter.  All she can think about are Popsicles, or Pockels, as she likes to call them.  Whenever you ask her what she wants to eat, she says Pockels. She's obsessed with them.  Last night she was even making pretend Popsicles out of blocks and pretending to eat them.  She's hilarious.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

I happy.

Kathryn was so sweet today.  She was really loving on Jared.  She doesn't see him much during the week, so I guess she's trying to make the most of her weekend time. She came with me shopping and when we got home, Jared was about to mow. Kathryn kept calling for him so Jared decided mowing could wait.  They looked at birds, listened for planes and gathered leaves.  At one point, Jared and I were sitting on the steps and Kathryn came over and sat between us. She smiled and said, "I happy.  I happy. " It was so sweet and it made me so happy. I love her so much and am so blessed to get to live her every day.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


It's fall! We love fall!

Enjoy the moment

We went on an awesome walk with Pegi today. The weather was beautiful and Kathryn had so much fun.  She stayed in her stroller for the most part, but on our final lap she wanted to run.  She was laughing and having a great time.  Pegi and I swung her by the arms over and over and her laughter was so precious.  She was so full of joy.  I love seeing her so happy. I kept thinking how I wished I'd have brought my phone to capture the moment with pictures.  Now though, I'm kind of glad I didn't have it.  I often focus on capturing the moment rather than just enjoying it.  I wasn't worried about getting the perfect picture on our walk. I just enjoyed her joy.  I'll have the pictures in my mind.

Even though I didn't get pictures of our walk, I did get some great ones today.  She is so gorgeous.  How'd we get so lucky?

Angel face

Watching some Fresh Beat Band before daycare. 

Good morning!

Playing before bed.