Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day!

Today is Memorial Day and we were all home together.  We didn't do much, except go to Target and then out to lunch at The 99.  It was just nice to have a relaxing day together.

Kate and me at The 99.  Too bad Daddy's not in the picture.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

18 Months Old!

Today is Kathryn's 18 month birthday.  I can't believe she's a year and a half old!  Where has the time gone?  She's not my baby anymore.  She's growing up too fast, but I'm enjoying getting to know the little person she's becoming.  While I miss her being a baby, I really am having more fun with her now.  It's great to see her get excited about things.  I look forward to many more adventures with her.

She's been a little under the weather lately.  Jared stayed home with her on Monday and Danielle stayed with her yesterday.  She went to daycare for a half day today. I picked her up around noon since there was no school for the kids at my school due to a sewer main break.  I had to work for three hours at another building and decided to pick her up to give her a quiet, restful afternoon.

Today also marks six months since Grandma Peggy passed away.  I really miss her.

Kathryn on her 18 month birthday!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fun at the West Thompson Dam

Pegi introduced me to the West Thompson Dam yesterday.  I loved it so much, I convinced Jared that we needed to go back today so we could get some pictures of Kathryn.  I'm so glad we went.  We had a great time and Kathryn just loved it. I've always enjoyed doing this type of thing, but it takes on a whole meaning doing it with your child. I love seeing the joy on her face.

Prepare for picture overload.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my second Mother's Day.  It was my day to sleep in (which was great).  Jared made me breakfast and then gave me my gifts.  He gave me some "tickle" coupons, a new Kindle cover with pictures of Kathryn on it (I love it!), and a really sweet letter (which I'll post later).  I'm so lucky to be Kathryn's mom.

I also spoke to my mom and we Skyped.  We also Skyped with Rosie. Jared and I are both so fortunate to have such caring, supportive mothers.

Front of the Kindle cover

Back of the Kindle cover

My "tickle" the George Costanza, hand model, picture.

Mother's Day gift from Kathryn from daycare.

Another gift from Mother's Day.

Kathryn's first time wearing sandals.  She wasn't a fan.

This was my Grandma Peggy's doll.  My Aunt Sammy sent it to Kathryn to take care of. I hope she'll treasure it always.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Naptime: Before & After

I say all the time Jared and I are so blessed to have such an easy baby.  We know how lucky we are, but it's fun to see her get a little crabby sometimes, which does happen when she's ready for a nap.  She gets a bit fussy and cries easily.  However, when she wakes up, she's all smiles.  It's night and day.