Thursday, November 28, 2013

Like mother, like daughter

My favorite shoes are my brown Converse.  I just got a new pair after wearing my last ones to a thread after 6 years.   I got Kathryn a pair of pink ones and a pair of white ones. She's so cute in them. I love this picture of our feet.


Today is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for.  I have a wonderful family,  a roof over my head, and food in my belly.  But I'm most thankful for having this beautiful,  healthy girl who makes me smile every day.  I love this girl.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Kathryn is 2 today.  It is truly hard to believe she's been in our lives for two years already.  The time has just flown and I'm amazed she's two.  I remember the day she was born so clearly and when we brought her home and that first night.  Some of it's blurry too because Jared and I didn't know what the heck we were doing.  I loved watching the little person she's becoming, even if she's starting to exert her independence.  She's been pushing me a lot lately. I don't know what her deal is, but I'm hoping it'll pass.  It makes me curious how she'll turn out. I see a lot of me in her and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. We shall see.

Kathryn's birthday didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped.  She has a terrible cold and couldn't go to daycare.  She stayed home with Neena, who was nice enough to make little cakes and ice cream for us to celebrate with.  We'll have her birthday party tomorrow and I hope she's feeling better.  Poor thing.

My life changed forever two years ago and I'm so glad it did.

Here are some pictures from tonight.  She looks pretty miserable.  I hope next year is better!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

My last night as the mother of a 1 year old

Tomorrow is Kathryn's 2nd birthday.  I can't believe it's already been 2 years. Everyone said the time would fly,  but you can't understand it until you experience it.  2 years ago on this exact date I was nervous and scared and didn't know what the hell kind of mother I'd be.  I was in denial that a baby was really coming.  But come she did and tomorrow she is 2.

She had a cold and isn't feeling the best.  I wish I'd have gotten a better picture,  but here she is... her last picture as a one year old.  I love you,  Kathryn.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pretty in Pink

I always set Kathryn's clothes out the night before so it's one less thing to do in the morning.  Yes, I sometimes pretend to my organized.  I don't think anyone's buying it though.  I digress.  I set her outfit out and then this morning I rummaged through my closet for what to wear. The outfit I thought I'd wear, didn't work out so I finally decided on black pants, a hot pink tee and a black and white striped cardigan.  When I walked out and saw Kathryn in her outfit, I realized we were perfectly coordinated and, of course, had to get a picture. 

Being soooo cooperative!

Also...last weekend, we tried getting some pictures of all of us in our World Series shirts.  It wasn't very successful. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Until You Catch the Moon

Kathryn will be 2 in just a couple of weeks.  It's hard to believe. I know she'll be grown up all too soon and I'll look back and treasure the memories of these days.  With her upcoming birthday and our little experience of her trying to catch the moon yesterday, I was inspired to write a little story for her about it.  I'd like to make it into a little book for her, but for now, I'll put it here for safe keeping.

Until You Catch the Moon
by Megan Isbell

When she was two,
The little girl looked up and saw the moon.
“Moon!  Moon! Right there!  Right there!”
And she took off without a care.

The mother watched the little girl race
As a smile spread across her face. 
“Go on.  Go on.  Catch the moon.
I’ll watch you while you catch the moon.”

Tucked warmly in bed that night,
The mother gently turned off the light
And watched as her baby closed her eyes
Off to sleep until sunrise.

But before she closed the door,
She looked at her baby girl once more.
“I know you’ll be grown up all too soon,
But until then, I’ll be here while you catch the moon.”

When she was five,
The little girl saw the moon up in the sky.
“There’s the moon!  It’s not so high.
I can catch it if I try.”

The mother watched the little girl race
As a smile spread across her face.
“You can do it!  Catch the moon!
If you run fast enough, you’ll catch it soon.”

That night while tucking her in bed,
The little girl looked up to the mother and said,
“Do you think I’ll do it soon?
Will I ever catch the moon?”

The mother nodded with a smile
“Although it may take a while,
You can do anything you want to do
And someday you will catch the moon.”

The little girl smiled before the mother closed the door,
And the mother looked at her little girl once more.
“I know you’ll be grown up all too soon,
But until then, I'll be here while you catch the moon.”

When she was ten,
The little girl saw the moon again.
“There’s the moon.  It’s really bright,
But I’m too big to catch it tonight.”

“You’re not too big, my little one.
Go on.  Catch the moon and have some fun.”
The little girl looked up with a smile on her face
And the mother watched as she began the chase. 

That night when the mother went to tuck her in
The little girl looked up with a sheepish grin.
“I don’t need you to tuck me in tonight.
I’m okay by myself.  I’ll be alright.”

The mother paused, but before she closed the door
She looked at her baby girl once more.
Whispering, “You’ll be grown up all too soon,
But until then, I’ll be here while you catch the moon.”

When the little girl was fifteen,
She no longer noticed the moon’s gleam.
She walked on by
Without any attention to the moon in the sky.

The mother watched as the little girl looked down
And her lips curled into a frown.
Saying, “Look, there’s the moon in the sky.”
The little girl only shook her head and rolled her eyes.

The mother stood outside the closed door that night
And thought about when she used to tuck the little girl in tight.
Thinking, “You’ve grown up too soon,
But I’m still here while you catch the moon.”

When the girl was twenty,
She looked up and saw the moon.
The boy beside her held her tight
And she thought back to when she’d chase the moon at night.

She heard her mother’s words in her mind
And she smiled back on that special time.
“Go on. Go on.  Catch the moon.
I’ll watch you while you catch the moon.”

The mother saw the moon alone that night
Imagining holding her baby tight.
Saying to no one, “You’ve grown up too soon,
But I’m still here while you catch the moon.”

When the little girl was all grown up with a little one of her own,
She saw the moon and thought of home.
“Moon!  Moon!  Right there!  Right there!”
And she watched her baby take off without a care. 

She heard her mother’s words inside,
And looked at her baby with a smile wide.
“Go on.  Go on.  Catch the moon.
I’ll be here while you catch the moon.”

And from far away,
The little girl thought she heard her mother say,
“You’ve grown up too soon,
But I’ve always been here while you catch the moon.

And someday when I’ve gone away,
Close your eyes and you’ll hear me say,
“I’ve always been here and will always be,
You make up the best of me.

You’ll always be my little girl,
The brightest spot in my little world.
My love is forever and never done,
Now go on my little one.

Go on.  Go on.  Catch the moon.
I’ll watch you while you catch the moon.
Remember how much I love you too.
I’ll be here until you catch the moon.”

Daycare Fun

I got the cutest picture of Kathryn from Becky the other day.  She loves going over there.

Weekend Cuddles

One of my favorite things about the weekend is getting to cuddle with Kathryn. I wish we could do it every morning.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Cat Hallow Park

On Sunday, we decided to go on a spontaneous walk at Cat Hallow Park.  We'd never been there, but it's only about a mile from our house and it turned out to be a great place.  Kathryn had a great time (except when she was running and fell and hit her cheek...the bruise is almost gone now).  It was a gorgeous day and Kathryn made a new friend in Roxy, the Golden Retriever, who was also enjoying the nice day with her owner.

Catch the Moon

It's been very crazy at work lately and I've been stressed and sad.  I feel like I run a marathon every day and when I pick up Kathryn around 4:30, it's already getting dark.  We get home, have dinner and a bath and play for a while before she goes to bed around 7:30.  It's all a blur and I think I've really had my fill of it.  I want more time with my daughter.  I want to be a better mother.  I want this and when there are experiences like I had this evening, I really want it. 

We pulled up to the house around 4:30 today.  It was already dusk.  I unloaded our stuff, but Kathryn, of course, headed over to Pegi's house.  Pegi saw Kathryn and came out to greet her.  Pegi suggested we head over to the cemetery to do a quick 10 minute walk before it got dark.  After the day I had, I thought it was a great idea.  We got into the truck and headed over.

When Kathryn got out, she immediately noticed the moon.  She's not usually out when it's dark enough for the moon to glow and she loved it.  She stared at it and pointed and kept saying, "Moon!  Moon!  Right there!"  Then, she took off trying to catch it. She was infatuated during our very quick walk and spent the whole time trying to catch it.  It was the most precious thing and reminded me of when I was young and used to try and ride my bikes under rainbows. I was convinced if I just peddled fast enough, I could do it.  Unfortunately, I grew up and realized I couldn't do it.  Kathryn's not there yet though and I wish I could stop her from ever getting there. I want her to always believe she can do anything...that she can catch the moon if she wants to.

She was so sweet when we finally headed back home.  She said, "Bye bye Moon" and blew it a kiss.  I love that girl.  Tonight when I put her to bed, I turned on her light that puts stars and a moon all over her ceiling.  She always loved that. I kissed her and told her to catch the moon.  I think she just may do it someday.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monitor Fun

I love having a video monitor. We see the funniest stuff, like last night when she was snuggling with her teddy, Junior and tonight while she was playing with her flash cards she insisted on taking to bed with her.