Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Donut Nightmares

Kathryn woke up at 4am crying frantically. I went in to check on her and she was climbing out of her bed to come sleep with me. When I spoke with her this morning about what had made her so upset, she proceeded to tell me she'd gone to Dunkin' Donuts and everyone had eaten all the donuts.  There were no donuts for her.  She was very upset about this and asked if she could get a donut. I felt bad and wanted to reassure her so I asked if we could get one at the Baker's Dozen since it's on the way, but she insisted it had to be Dunkin'.  We were pressed for time like we always are in the morning and there was a very long line in the drive-thru, so we went inside. I told the young girl behind the counter about Kathryn's nightmare and she was very sympathetic, reassuring Kathryn they would always have donuts. Kathryn asked if they had star donuts like at Christmas. The girl said they didn't, but they had heart donuts and she'd give Kathryn the biggest one she had. Kathryn was very happy she got her heart donut. Now she's insisting we need to go get donuts and eat them inside DD.  This girl cracks me up.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spring Dress

Neena sent Kathryn the most beautiful dress for Easter. It was a gorgeous day today so we decided to head out to the backyard and get pictures.  I still don't know how we created such a stunning little

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lunch in Maine

A few weeks back,  Mom and I were watching Diners, Drive Ins and Dives and they featured Bob's Clam Hut in Kittery,  Maine.  I really wanted to try it, so Danielle,  Kathryn and I headed up there.  The weather was gorgeous.  The fried clams and lobster stew were delicious.  Then we headed over to Nubble Lighthouse in York.  Kathryn loved climbing on the rocks and Danielle was great about toting her around.  I had to pee so badly though and all the bathrooms were closed because it's still "off season". Ridiculous!  I found a Porta Potty at a construction site luckily and a potential crisis was averted!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

First Haircut

Kathryn had her first haircut today!  She did a great job,  although she didn't want her hair washed. I told her someday she'll realize it's the best part.  She was a little nervous and wanted to sit on my lap.  She did an amazing job though and we went for a Happy Meal and ice cream as a reward afterwards.