Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my second Mother's Day.  It was my day to sleep in (which was great).  Jared made me breakfast and then gave me my gifts.  He gave me some "tickle" coupons, a new Kindle cover with pictures of Kathryn on it (I love it!), and a really sweet letter (which I'll post later).  I'm so lucky to be Kathryn's mom.

I also spoke to my mom and we Skyped.  We also Skyped with Rosie. Jared and I are both so fortunate to have such caring, supportive mothers.

Front of the Kindle cover

Back of the Kindle cover

My "tickle" the George Costanza, hand model, picture.

Mother's Day gift from Kathryn from daycare.

Another gift from Mother's Day.

Kathryn's first time wearing sandals.  She wasn't a fan.

This was my Grandma Peggy's doll.  My Aunt Sammy sent it to Kathryn to take care of. I hope she'll treasure it always.

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