Thursday, May 24, 2012

Second Day

Today was Kathryn's second day at day care.  I have to say, Monday (her first day) was the hardest, but once we got there and I saw how excited the other kids were to have her there, I relaxed and actually felt good when I dropped her off.  I knew she'd have fun, and she did, even though it was only for a half day.

Today she stayed for the whole day.  When I pulled up around 8am, I saw the three kids (Quin, Kate and Seth) waiting by the door.  I heard Quin shout, "Kathryn's here!  Baby Kathryn's here!"  He was practically squealing with joy.  When I walked in, Quin showed me the bag of toys he brought just for Kathryn.  He was so excited to have her there again.  I later found out he was counting down the days till she came back. 

Becky (her daycare provider) texted me twice during the day.  One with a picture of her playing and the other saying she was having a wonderful day.  It made me feel so much better. 

I wish I could stay home with Kathryn, but I know there are benefits to this as well.  She'll learn to be away from me and meet some new friends.  I've got to look at the positives or else I get sad. 

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