Well...it was back tonight. She went down at her usual time around 7:30pm and was sleeping soundly. After trying to catch up on "The Killing" on the DVR and reading, I turned off my Kindle and the lights around 10:15. As I way laying in bed trying to go to sleep, I heard rustling around 10:30 and turned to look at the video monitor where I saw Kathryn wiggling around like she was waking up and sure enough, her head popped up and she looked around. I got up to check on her and she was wide awake like she is in the morning. I instantly knew we were in trouble. I tried putting her in bed with us, but that was no good. She kept trying to hit Jared, so I got up and decided to give her a couple of ounces of milk. I fed her and rocked her while listening to her favorite lullaby CD and she finally dozed off. I placed her back in her crib and the second I did...BOING: up comes the head and she's awake again. At this point it was around 11:30, so we're well into the first hour of the "party time".
I decided I'd try the swing. I put her in it and opened my lap tap to play around on the internet while she rocked. I didn't even turn on the TV. I didn't want to distract her. Well, she finally dozed off a few minutes ago and it was actually really cute watching her drift off. She kept smiling, so I'm guessing she's having happy dreams. Now, my dilemma is, do I dare remove her from the swing or just sleep on the couch? I don't want her to think the swing is how she sleeps, but I need to sleep too.
I was all geared up to wake up at 5am to go running. I haven't been able to find time after work to exercise, so I decided to try doing it before work (I know! I'm crazy! 5am is an ungodly hour to be up...but I wanted to at least try and see if I could do it.). I'm beginning to think it won't happen tomorrow because it's now almost midnight and I'm sure she'll wake up again tonight. Anyway...I'm rambling because I'm tired and a little frustrated, but I guess that's part of the territory. I just thank my lucky stars this is not a regular occurrence. God bless the parents whose children don't sleep and cry all the time. Kathryn is usually so good, so I guess I'll excuse the Honeybaby this once.
I love this!