Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's Apple Pickin' Time!

Kate and I went to the apple orchard with my friend Renee and her daughter, Gianna today.  I had hoped to pick a bunch of honeycrisp apples, but they were picked clean!  I did manage to get four from the farm stand, so that'll appease me till the apples arrive at Stop & Shop.  Anyway...we had fun and picked all kinds of apples.

She wouldn't smile!

We tried getting a good shot of Kathryn & Gianna, but they wouldn't cooperate.

I can't wait to take her to the pumpkin patch closer to Halloween time.

Renee didn't bring her stroller and Gianna got tired of walking (she's 18 months old), so we tried squeezing them into Kathryn's stroller.  Gianna didn't like that idea.

Kathryn loved playing with her little apple.

Renee and Gianna

Me and Kate

My pretty baby.  I wanted to get some nice shots in the flowers, but all she wanted to do was eat the wood chips!

When we got home it was nap time.  She didn't agree though and was having none of it.  She completely skipped her p.m. nap!

Time to par-tay!
Today's spoils.

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