Sunday, April 15, 2012

Request Filled

So...per my sister-in-law Bekki's request that I make a blog dedicated to "all things Kathryn", here it is: Life with the Honeybaby or the Adventures of Stretch Lala.  These are two of her alter egos.  For those who know us well, know we have a tendency to give silly names to our pets (i.e. Wicky Poop Tail or Teeny Tiny Toe) and the tradition has carried over to our child.  She has four alter egos in addition to Kathryn Elizabeth, they are: Honeybaby, Stretch Lala, Hungry Baby, and Stinker McStinkerton.  I'll delve more into them later and explain why those names were chosen. But until then, this is just to let Bekki know the blog is up and running (thanks to my new computer and Jared's ability to get most of my old files from the old laptop!). 


  1. I needed my Kathryn fix today, thank you!!!

  2. Megan- we have a stinkey mcstinkerson at our house. Actually we have 2 now! I loved reading your blog. As I read I realize we have quite a bite in common starting with our love of food! anyways I think your blog is great.
