Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blue-Eyed Girl

While I was pregnant, I had no doubt that our little girl would have brown eyes.  Everyone in Jared's family has brown eyes and his grandmother was full-blooded Portuguese.  I figured the brown eyes would just be dominant and my blue eyes wouldn't stand a chance. 

When she was born, her eyes were a deep blue. Most babies are born with bluish colored eyes, so I thought they'd eventually change to brown.  However, as we approach her 5 month birthday, they're bluer than ever.  They're a crystal blue and sometimes look gray, just like mine.  I love her blue eyes.

The other day while talking to my dad, he once again expressed his surprise that she has blue eyes and then proceeded to ask me, "You didn't mess around, did you?"  I know he was joking, but it's something we've joked about too.  At first we joked her father was either Brandon Flowers, Henry Cavill or Ian Somerhalder (a few of my celebrity crushes).  However, after the eyes stayed blue, we've determined her real father is Ian Somerhalder.  There's no way else to explain the eyes.  The proof is in the photos.  Haha.


  1. We all don't have poop brown eyes, derek and I are hazel.
    I love that Kathryn has your eyes, keep praying for isbell hair!

  2. Bekki-I am SOOOO praying she has Isbell hair. She'd be a very lucky girl!
