Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Perfect Day

Yes...this is my third post today, but I wanted to remember today.  Kathryn's been such a blessing in our lives, but as with all babies, they change your way of life tremendously.  Sometimes she doesn't always cooperate and I find myself getting frustrated, but today was a perfect day.  The type of day I need to remember on those days that aren't so great.  Today I just loved being with my daughter.  She woke up at reasonable time after a good night's sleep.  She was so happy and smiley.  She loved her breakfast and she had a great time (and a good nap) on our walk.  She played and was so curious all day.  She's so close to crawling, but she sure does get around.  She even crawled to me today with a big grin on her face. Sure she got distracted half way to me by her stuffed frog, but I don't think I'll soon forget the look of adoration in her eyes as she tried to get to my open arms.  She had a great lunch and a 2 1/2 hour nap, which allowed for some "me" time and when she woke up she was all smiles again.  We had a good afternoon filled with more playing and then she watched me make dinner.  She had a nice bath and played some more and is now sleeping peacefully.  It was just a really nice day.  I love being her mom.  Thank you, Kathryn, for such a simple, yet memorable day that reminds me how lucky I am that you chose me and what privilege it is to be your mother.  I love you baby girl.  

Oh...one more thing. Gangy thinks Kathryn looks great in polka dots.  How do you like all these dots Gangy???

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