Saturday, December 8, 2012

Up, Up, Up!

I am still so excited over the downloads on Amazon.  As of right now, sales are at 5,378.  That's just in 2 days.  I am thrilled. I just hope people like it.  There was a bit of a scare last night when I realized when I reformatted my book somehow a page got deleted, which means 3,200 people downloaded a copy with a missing page.  It wasn't too bad of a mistake because it actually deleted at a spot that could've been an ending spot.  It just missed out on some character introductions, which sucks, but I think it'll be alright.  When I realized it, I quickly fixed it and uploaded a fixed version.  So, the last 1,800 people who have downloaded got the fixed version.  I was so upset about it last night, but I've come to grips with it now because there's nothing I can do about it.  Anyway...just checked once more and it's at 5,386!  The free promotion goes on for another two days. I can't wait to see the total when it's done!

I'll post about Kate tomorrow. I got some really cute pictures of her today in tub!

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