Friday, September 13, 2013

Sick Day

Kathryn's been battling a bug since Monday.  She stayed home from daycare Tuesday and Wednesday, but went yesterday.  She was fine, but didn't seem 100% when she got home.  I started not feeling great and last night I woke up around 12:30am feeling terrible.  I was so achy.  I knew I couldn't go to work today, so I got up at 2:30 am and wrote lesson plans, then went into school at 6:45am to set up.  I wish I had a job where you could just call out. It's more work being out, than just toughing it out.  Anyway, I decided to keep Kathryn home because she was coughing pretty badly.  Needless to say, I didn't get to rest much.  She had a bunch of energy.  I only got to sleep when she napped for about an hour.  I should be in bed now that she's sleeping.  I think I'll go to bed after I finish this post.  It's days like this I realize how hard it is to be a mom sometimes. 

Don't I look attractive?

Dancing to Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood theme song.

She spent a lot of time with the Kindle today since I was too tired to do much of anything.

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